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2nd Annual Secord Lake Association Golf Outing raises over $11,000 for Restoration!

     The weather was a bit chilly but the spirits were warm on Saturday, September 24th for the 2nd Annual Secord Lake Golf outing at Gladwin Heights Golf Course.  The event was held with the purpose of raising funds for the ongoing efforts of restoring Secord Lake.  We are so grateful for our Sponsors, Golfers, and all of the volunteers that made this event a huge success!  Check out some photos from the day by CLICKING HERE!

     The day began around 8:00am with registration, continental breakfast, and a Bloody Mary Bar for those looking to get their golf round off with a little kick start.  Over 130 golfers were off their tees at 9:00am with several events, prizes, and bragging rights on the line.  Prizes were awarded for men's and women's long drive, closest to the pin prizes, and lowest Team Score for 1st, 2nd, and 10th place were also awarded.  A hot dog combo lunch was enjoyed on the course in addition to an excellent dinner after the event.  In addition to the generosity of our sponsors and participants, we were also able to raise funds with the 50/50 raffle, Barrel of Booze raffle, a Vegas Hole and the Crown Royal putting contest! 

Thanks to your support, $11,266.03 was raised!!


     I would also like to extend a special Thank You to the Golf Event Committee and Volunteers for the dedication and support in making our 2nd Annual Secord Lake Association Golf Outing such an awesome event: Sharon Byler, Troy & Sheri Gould, Tami Johanson, Kerry Eason, Chuck and Sandy Sikora, Beth Therian, Gail Szuch, Danielle Gratopp, Lee Wilford, Rick Boylan, Nancy Pierce, Chad Toms, Jerry and Kim Fair.

Thank you to All and we hope to see you again in 2023!!


Mike Szuch

Golf Committee Chairman

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The first annual Secord Lake Association Chili Cook-Off was a HUGE success!!

Never in our wildest dreams did we expect the turnout we had for this first-time event! Almost 300 people came out to Lost Arrow Resort to taste some chili, bid on auction baskets, and meet up with neighbors while raising needed funds for Secord Lake improvement projects.  When all was said and done, our event raised $8,382 for our lake.  Check out some photos from the day by CLICKING HERE!

We would like to thank all of our chili cooks (21 in total) for making some fantastic chili!


The 2022 Chili Cook-Off Winners were:

First place - Chili # 8, Dave Smith

Second place - Chili # 20, Mary Rahn

Third place - Chili # 15, Christopher Ochab


We also want to graciously thank our lake community for donating the fabulous baskets/items for our silent auction! We had an amazing display of 38 baskets for attendees to bid on! The auction brought in approximately $4000 of our total funds raised!


As part of our silent auction we challenged our lake community to see which road/area could generate the most money from the baskets/items donated.  Mohawk Trail took home bragging rights for raising the most funds from the bids on their combined baskets. They brought in a little over $1,000 for our lake!! Glaves Cove Rd. brought home bragging rights for the single highest bid for a basket, a whopping $560 for the "Our Secord Lake" basket.  Thank you to everyone for your kind donations and generous bids and for making the silent auction a fun and lucrative competition!


We also must thank the many volunteers that helped us throughout the day! It was amazing to see our community members “jump in” and help at a moment's notice without even asking for assistance.  It would be impossible to list everyone by name but please know we appreciate each and every one of you!! We couldn't have done it without your help. ❤️


Of course we want to thank our many financial sponsors! We appreciate the partnership and support they have provided to help restore our lakes.


Events like this certainly don't happen without a lot of dedicated people helping to put it all together from behind the scenes! The SLA Promotions Team (affectionately known as the The Fun Committee) was responsible for bringing the idea to life!  Thank you to:


Sharon Byler

Becky Getsoian

Char Hopkins

Rita Lewis

Mary Jasinski

Tami Johanson

Tom Pardikes

Greg Scharf

Sandy Sikora

Chad Toms


Lastly, we would like to thank Lost Arrow Resort for donating the banquet facility for our cook-off. It was the perfect venue and a perfect day!   Thank you so very much for coming out to support our beautiful Secord Lake!! We hope to see you again next year! ❤️❤️

Click here for more pictures!

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